
Ramon Salas wins First MVT

Ramon takes the first GCM Award; sponsored by Foley. He was presented a check for $2500 by Foley President Jim Letourneau.


A veteran at this daily fee course near Los Angeles, Ramon Salas has an almost unheard of record among equipment technicians, according to superintendent Robert Maycock: “For the 26 years Ramon has been with Azusa Greens, never once have we ever had to buy one single piece of new mowing equipment.” That amazing track record of keeping older pieces of equipment not only in service, but producing outstanding playing conditions has buoyed Salas’ reputation in Southern California, and when other courses have equipment nearing the end of the line at their facilities, it often ends up at Azusa Greens as a useful member of the club’s equipment fleet — after Salas gets his hands on it, that is. Salas has also made shop safety a hallmark of his tenure at Azusa Greens, leading weekly safety meetings at the club for the past 15 years.

 But as dedicated as Salas is to his craft, he’s equally dedicated to his interests outside of the maintenance shop, most notably in junior golf. He helped teach the game to his daughter, Lizette, who is now a two-time All-American golfer at USC, and continues to cut-down adult golf clubs for kids to use in learning the game while assisting the head professional at Azusa Greens with the club’s Kid’s First junior golf program.